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(Updated 11/22/2023)

SC.GOV is a creation and a service of the State of South Carolina ("State"). It is operated and managed under a long-term contract with a private company, South Carolina Interactive, LLC ("SCI" or "South Carolina Interactive"). The term "we" in this policy refers to the State and SCI.

At SC.GOV, your privacy and security are our highest priority. Providing electronic access to state government information and services, while maintaining privacy is a specific objective of SC.GOV. The SC.GOV Privacy and Security Policy only apply to the SC.GOV site. This policy does not apply whenever visitors leave SC.GOV domains by clicking a link to an external site, including the sites of state agencies and local governments or sub domains of SC.GOV. The privacy policy does apply to SC.GOV hosted websites. Please check the "Privacy" or "Privacy Policy" link to see what policy applies to the site you are using. The SC.GOV linking policy includes more information about links from SC.GOV to external sites.

SC.GOV collects two types of information from Users:

 “Personal Information”: As used in this Privacy Policy, this is information which you provide to us which personally identifies you, and includes but is not limited to your name, postal or email address, mobile device or telephone number, date of birth and other information or data that identifies you, which is collected and maintained by us if you have registered an account (“Registered Account”) to use the Sites and related services (and in which you provide and permit us to collect such information in exchange for your use of and access to the Sites and related services). It also includes certain combinations of such information that meets the applicable statutory or other legal definition of “Personally Identifiable Information” or “Personal Information” for purposes of breach notification (such information, “Statutory PII”). By using SC.GOV and its related websites, applications and features (the “Sites”) in a way in which you disclose your Personally Identifiable Information (including but not limited to creating a Registered Account), you consent to and authorize us to receive, view, display, use, disclose, transmit, and maintain such Personal Information on your behalf in connection with providing the Sites and related services to you.

“Non-Personal Information”: This is information that does not personally identify you, such as device-specific information, including hardware information about any device you are using to access or use the Sites (including UDID), your MAC address, operating system information (including your operating system version), unique device identifiers, browser type, device type, IP address, your location, your user preferences, reporting, dashboards, volumes, and other non-personally identifying analytics. Non-Personal Information also includes information about the time a User spends utilizing our Sites or accessing the Sites, activity just before and after using or accessing the Sites (such as websites or links clicked to open the Sites), the dates and times that you use the Sites, and aggregate information about usage and traffic patterns across Users. By using the Sites in any way (including but not limited to registering and creating a Registered Account), you consent to and authorize us to receive, view, display, use, disclose, transmit and maintain such Non-Personal Information and to share it with customers and third parties, in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We may collect certain kinds of information through direct collection methods and through indirect collection methods, such as the use of cookies and other various tracking methods as follows:

Direct Collection

We collect much of the information listed above directly from you when you submit it through the Sites. This includes information such as registration information, contact information, User submissions, and public postings. If you do not want to share your information, you can choose not to use the Sites and related services.

Indirect Collection

Strictly Necessary Cookies. These cookies are used to remember information you have entered on forms or fields when using the Sites and as you navigate to different pages in a single session when using the Sites, such as remembering certain information on a form when you go to another page before the form has been completed. These cookies are used to make sure the Sites work efficiently and that you can use them effectively. If you prevent such cookies, you may not be able to use certain features of the Sites.

Performance Cookies. These cookies may be used to measure the performance of the Sites, improve how the Sites function, and measure our marketing activity. Information that is collected using these cookies is aggregated and anonymous, and we are not able to identify individual users. We may use these cookies to provide aggregated statistics on how the Sites are used, determine the efficacy of our marketing activities, and provide feedback to our partners. We may also use these cookies to measure any errors that occur in the Sites, improve the performance of the Sites, and test different page designs on the Sites. We do not use these cookies to target you with advertising on other websites or other applications, or to remember any preferences you have set beyond the current session.

Functionality Cookies. These cookies allow the Sites to remember choices you make (for example, your user name) and provide enhanced, more personal features. These cookies can also be used to remember changes you have made to your preferences. They may also be used to provide services through the Sites, such as watching a video or accessing third-party information or resources.

Location Data. We may collect and use your location information (such as your current latitude and longitude coordinates) that is provided by your mobile device or by you. Such data about your location can be either precise or imprecise. Precise location data includes Global Position System (GPS) data as well as geolocation data identifying nearby cell towers and Wi-Fi hotspots that we collect when you enable or use location-based services or features of the Sites. Imprecise location data includes, for example, a location derived from your IP address or data that indicates where you are located with less precision, such as at a city, state, or postal code. We may use such location information to more efficiently provide you with our services and improve the functionality of the Sites.

Beacons. A web beacon is an electronic image placed in the code of an online web page. We may use web beacons to communicate directly with you on certain premises, monitor usage of the Sites and related traffic, and to improve the Sites’ performance in a manner similar to how we use cookies.

Log Files. We use log files in connection with our Sites. Log files track internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, and number of clicks. We utilize this information to analyze trends, administer the Sites, prevent fraud, track website navigation in the aggregate, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use.

Google Analytics. We use a tool called “Google Analytics” to collect information about use of the Sites. Google Analytics collects information such as how often Users visit this site, what pages they visit when they do so, and what other sites they used prior to coming to any of the Sites. We use the information we get from Google Analytics only to improve the Sites and related services. We do not combine the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with Personal Information. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to this site is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use (available at and the Google Privacy Policy (available at You can prevent Google Analytics from recognizing you on return visits to any website by disabling cookies on your browser. You can also download a Google Analytics opt-out add-on to your browser.

Although the Sites are accessible over the internet and therefore available worldwide, the Sites and their content are intended for residents of the United States only. If you choose to access the Sites from locations outside the United States, such conduct is at your own risk and subject to the laws of the United States of America, which may differ from privacy laws in your state or home country, and you are responsible for compliance with any local laws and regulations. Nothing in the Sites should be interpreted as a promotion or solicitation for any product of any nature that is not authorized by the laws and regulations of the country where you are located. Personal Information collected through or on the Sites may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country in which we or our affiliates, subsidiaries, or agents maintain facilities, and by using the Sites you consent to any such transfer of information outside of your country. Users from outside the United States should not use or access the Sites or disclose any information, including Personal Information, through the Sites. Individuals outside the United States who disclose any data through the Sites, including Personal Information, hereby acknowledge and consent to such data being stored in the United States or any other country, and transferred outside your country.

Personal information in our possession is maintained and used in ways that respect individual privacy. Employees are educated about the importance of protecting personal information and consumer privacy, and only authorized employees and third parties (as specifically described in this policy) are officially granted access to personal information.

SC.GOV will not disclose personal information collected from users to private third parties in any manner not disclosed herein unless the law requires such disclosure or as otherwise described in this policy. Laws do exist in the State of South Carolina to ensure government is open and that the public has a right to access appropriate records and information possessed by a government agency. At the same time, however, there are exceptions to the public's right to access certain records in order to preserve the privacy of individuals. Such exceptions are authorized by both state and federal law. Information collected from users by SC.GOV, similarly to information collected during in-person visits to a government office, may be subject to inspection and copying by the public, unless an exemption exists in law. In the event there is a conflict between this Privacy Statement and a state or federal law governing the disclosure of public records, the applicable law shall control.

Data in the Aggregate: We may disclose "blinded" aggregated data and user statistics to prospective partners and other third parties. Blinded data is data that does not identify an individual person.

Other: We also may disclose your information in special cases. For example, when we believe that we must disclose information to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Acceptable Use Policy, or may be causing injury to or interference with our rights or property, other website users, or anyone else who may be harmed by such activities. We may disclose or access account information when we believe in good faith that the law requires it and for administrative and other purposes that we deem necessary to maintain, service, and improve our products and services.

We may occasionally hire other companies to provide limited services on our behalf, including packaging, delivering or mailing, answering customer questions about products or services, sending postal mail, and processing data. We will only provide those companies the information they need to deliver the service, and they are contractually prohibited from using that information for any other reason.

We make every effort to develop applications that do not require the transmission or storage of personal information and sensitive data. SC.GOV has developed and maintains online service applications in partnership with SC government entities. Some of these online service applications require users' personal information per South Carolina statute. Applications that require end user authentication provide the ability for users to view and edit their personal information using their user account credentials. When the collection, transmission, and store of sensitive data is required, all data is encrypted.

The Family Privacy Protection Act of 2002 prohibits persons or private entities from using personal information obtained from State agencies for commercial solicitation purposes. A person knowingly violating this prohibition is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the penalties specified in S.C. Code Ann. Section 30-2-50(D).

For general use or browsing of SC.GOV, visitors are not asked for personally identifiable information, and none will be collected.

Children under the age of 13 are not eligible to use services that require submission of personal information and should not submit any personal information to us. This includes submitting personal information to the website as part of a user profile or personalization profile. If you are a child under the age of 13, you can use these services only if used together with your parents or guardians. Seek guidance from your parents or guardians if you are under the age of 13.

If we decide to begin collecting personal information from children under the age of 13, we will notify parents that it is being requested, disclose the reasons for collecting it, and disclose our intended use of it. We will seek verifiable parental consent before collecting any personally identifiable information. If we do collect such information, parents may request information on the type of data being collected, view their child's information, and, if they choose, prohibit us from making further use of their child's information. We will not provide personal information about children to third parties.

Except as otherwise provided in this policy: (1) SC.GOV will not disclose the email addresses of members of the public who have communicated electronically with a governmental body without the affirmative consent of the affected individual; and (2) Personally identifiable information contained in a question or comment sent to SC.GOV in an email message or submitted in an online form is only used by SC.GOV to respond to the question or comment.

E-mail messages will be treated the same as any other written communication. They may be subject to public inspection or legal disclosure. Please do not put confidential and personal information such as Social Security number, date of birth, bank account, and credit card information, mother's maiden name or medical information in your e-mail communications to the State or South Carolina Interactive, LLC. Your privacy cannot be protected or insured by the State or South Carolina Interactive during email or unsecured web form transmission.

If you send an e-mail message or complete a web form which contains personal information, we collect and store the following information:
Any personally identifying information, which you choose to provide (for example your mailing address), in an electronic mail message or web form requesting information, any comments on policies, issues, or events you send in a Live Chat session. Information collected in this manner is used solely for information and, in some cases, to respond to you. An email automatically includes your email address and certain routing information, including your internet server. SC.GOV may redirect the message to a specific state agency or local government if SC.GOV staff believes that the state agency or local government may be more qualified to respond. 

This website has links to many other websites. These include links to websites operated by other governmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private businesses. Many of these sites may not be subject to the South Carolina Code of Laws, or may operate under different privacy standards. Visitors to those websites are advised to review the privacy statements of those sites. Neither the State nor South Carolina Interactive is responsible for any content on a linked site.

SC.GOV is a creation and a service of the State of South Carolina ("State"). It is operated and managed under a long-term contract with a private company, South Carolina Interactive, LLC ("SCI" or "South Carolina Interactive"). The term "we" in this policy refers to the State and SCI.

SC.GOV uses the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to safeguard your sensitive personal information, including your credit card number, during online transactions. SSL protocol is the industry's accepted form of encryption and it provides the highest level of protection possible for internet communications. SSL applies encryption between two computers, in this case the individual's personal computer and the SC.GOV server. 

SC.GOV utilizes 128-bit encryption, which is one of the stronger standard encryptions currently in the marketplace. Your transaction is secure from start to finish using this widely accepted form of encryption. A web browser will automatically activate the appropriate security features when initiating a transaction on SC.GOV. On most browsers, an unbroken key or locked padlock icon at the bottom of the browser screen indicates that a secure connection is in place.

The SC.GOV processing servers are located behind a firewall and a web application firewall that employs security features. Your credit card information is not stored on a state government database. If you have trouble purchasing securely at our website, then you may be behind a firewall or using a proxy server that doesn't allow for secure transactions.

Keeping your personal financial information private is very important to us. As a matter of policy and long-time business practice, we do not sell information provided by our users. Any user statistics that we may provide to prospective partners regarding financial matters are provided in the aggregate only and do not include any personally identifiable information about any individual user. We will transfer your credit card number, bank account number, or other personal information to the appropriate credit card company or bank in order to process any online payments. We do not store credit card information or electronic check account information one the payment transaction is completed. When the collection, transmission, and store of sensitive data are required, all data is encrypted.

If you have any questions or concerns about the SC.GOV Privacy and Security Policy, please contact us at If you have any questions or concerns about how state agencies and local governments handle personal information, please contact them directly. 

Please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily disclose information online, that information is accessible to other users. Ultimately, you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords and/or any account information. Please be careful and responsible whenever you are online.