SC.GOV allows you to create a My SC.GOV user account. Registering for an account is completely free, simple and secure.
To use My SC.GOV, you must: Create a My SC.GOV User Account
Create Your My SC.GOV User Account
Once you have created your account, activate it via the message sent to the email address used during registration. After account activation, set up your profile and authentication preferences.
Sign In to Your My SC.GOV Account
Select the "Log In/Sign Up" option within the My SC.GOV block at the top of the page. At the My SC.GOV sign-in window, provide the email address and password used during registration. Depending on the other methods of verification enabled in your account, you may also be challenged for a code delivered via email, SMS or an authenticator device.
Sign In to My SC.GOV
Sign Out of Your My SC.GOV Account
Select the "Sign Out" button within the My SC.GOV block at the top of the page.
Manage Your My SC.GOV Account
Select the "Settings" button from the My SC.GOV menu included in the main navigation at the top of the page. On the Settings page, select the "Manage Your My SC.GOV User Account" option to access the account management tool, which allows you to edit your profile, change account verification settings and change your password.
Edit Your Profile
Your My SC.GOV user profile is on the left side of the account management tool. Your profile contains required information (name and email) and optional information (contact information and address). Select the "Edit" button under the profile summary to make changes using the profile form. Select the "Save" button to update your profile information after your changes are completed
Change Your Verification Options
By default, only your email address and password are used to sign in to My SC.GOV. You can also enable one or more additional verification options for added account security. For example, receive a one-time password via email or text, or connect your My SC.GOV account to an authenticator device.
Select the "Edit" button above the summary of current verification options to toggle on/off these additional options. Select the "Save" button to update your account after your additional verification options are toggled.
Change Your Password
Use the "Change Password" link located on the left-side menu of the account management tool. When prompted, enter your old password once and your new password twice. Your password must contain (at a minimum) one digit, one symbol (e.g., punctuation) and both upper and lowercase letters. Select the "Change Password" button to update your account with a new and valid password.
Reset a Forgotten Password
Select the "Log In/Sign Up" option within the My SC.GOV block at the top of the page. At the My SC.GOV sign-in window, select the link "Need help signing in?" to reveal the "Forgot password?" option as shown in the following image. Select the "Forgot password?" option to begin the password-reset process.